My first (official) re-imagining of an original character. This character in particular, comes from the head of ChikoChan, and is named "Jocelyn Ada" aka "Chiko". Original art I based my design from can be found here: http://fav.me/d2t1l71

The show is just ridiculously well written. Sure it's full of machismo, but I think because of that, the female characters are able to shine so much brighter. (Also, Christina Hendricks is HOT.)

My best friend asked me to create some cute images for these things called "mahalograms" for her law-school friends to send to one another. (If you're from Hawaii, you probably know what I'm talking about. For the rest of you, "Mahalo" means "Thank You"... these are thank-you cards.) I let her make captions. Other favorites include: "We're not for profit, but I value our friendship", :You're a rule 19", "Forget Erie, let's go shopping!" -- I'd try to explain them, but I don't remember myself. I think you have to be a law student to get the full impact.

I drew this for a co-worker's birthday. She's his favorite character... it's pretty easy to see why. LOL.
Speaking of Co-Workers... here's a profile pic I completed for...

...who works in our video games department. He specifically asked for Wolverine claws and a smashed up Atari controller. I added the evil grin for good measure.

This was used for a coloring contest on Easter at select hotels in Hawaii. I'll admit, it's kind of scary. Hahaha... but hey, I promised new material, didn't I? And this thing took time.

Oh yeah, and I uh...designed a shoe for Nicki Minaj & ShoeDazzle, for kicks. It'd be really interesting to see this go from concept to prototype. Perhaps, someday... The dots on the ankle are supposed to be rhinestones; and the base is supposed to be a blue/black glitter shimmer -- kinda like a marbled bowling ball. I was trying to channel the 80s.
...and this concludes today's post. Tune in tomorrow for an original concept poster for the movie, DRIVE. :D Among other things, perhaps.
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