Not gonna lie, I was heavily influenced by Eric Canete *KAH-reload, who is totally crazy by the way. He does these 90 minute exercises that blow you out of the water with insanely well crafted compositions and gorgeous rendering. 90 minutes. That's all.
So, I attempted to do a super-awesome-kick-a$$ drawing in 90 minutes myself. The original drawing, I sketched and inked in 90, but the coloring took a couple hours. Haha... That part's all digital.
I was trying for a fun and innocent Kara... not overtly sexual, like most male comic artists like to portray her. Because as far as the comic industry goes, I think female characters need to be better represented. And I totally went with the lisa frank colors. Because I can.
I can't decide at the moment if I should submit this piece for Draw Off #24 : Best of Both Worlds because I'm not sure if it qualifies....... Aww f*ck it, I'm going to do it anyway. (Stay tuned for the bonus round!!)
For me, this makes sense. I shall explain.
I work at Marvel. I am surrounded by Marvel characters on a daily basis. And yet, I have this giant DC Supergirl poster on my wall. I've had it since college, and I'm not about to take it down now.
When I was little, my favorite superhero was Superman. But of course, I couldn't be Superman, because I was a girl. So Supergirl was the next best thing. ( Although, I guess I could've gone with Wonder Woman. But I didn't. )
I'm not officially paid to do art, although I really wish I was. I think I could be, but I'm somewhat stuck with the label of being just a "Coordinator" at the moment -- and it really frustrates me sometimes. The best of both worlds part, would be for me to be able to do whatever it is I want to do, without being judged.
And since one of the perks of doing art for free is the freedom to choose the subject matter -- SUPERGIRL IT IS!
...because I believe that If I try hard enough, and persevere, I too can fly.